Developing for Nokia devices: Series 40 & Widgets
quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2008
às 8:49 PMDeveloping for Nokia devices: Series 40 & Widgets
Attention Python and Web developers! Get ready for the Forum Nokia Code Camps in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo October 22nd and 24th, respectively, as well as the Calling All Innovators Competition by attending these valuable in-depth technical webinars! Learn how to gain a competitive advantage in the following two important mobile application development areas:
Python for S60
October 9, 20081pm
Eastern TimeThis webinar will give you a detailed view on rapid development and prototyping of applications for the S60 platform using Python. It will feature 1) Tools and SDKs for Python development 2) A tour of Python for S60 APIs 3) Deployment and signing of Python for S60 applications 4) Python Community Edition.
Web Runtime Widgets for S60 3rd and 5th Edition devices October 15, 200811 a.m. New York, 12 p.m. Sao PaoloMainstream Web developers, learn how to quickly and easily mobilize your existing Web content by developing mobile Web widgets for S60 devices. Hear how to develop and test Web Runtime (WRT) widgets for the S60 platform on Nokia devices using familiar web technologies like HTML, CSS, Ajax, and Javascript.
Also learn how to take advantage of the new capabilities in the S60 5th Edition SDK, including the new Platform Services API (offering WRT widgets access to location/GPS and other advanced device information) and Touch UI. See specific coding examples as well as learn what tools and resources you need to get started developing today. Special Webinar Promotion: Attend a webinar and get a code worth 100 Euros (33%) discount on a 1-year Forum Nokia Launchpad Subscription!
Join us for these two webinars and then meet the Forum Nokia team face-to-face in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo at the Forum Nokia Python and Web Runtime Widget Code Camps October 22nd and 24th, respectively. Register today! Register today to attend the Code Camp!
Register for the webinars at the Forum Nokia Training site »
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